Sunday, October 26, 2014

Non-Dairy Calcium and Osteoporosis Prevention

According to my *New Eden School of Natural Health and Herbal Studies Anatomy and Physiology Book our bones are alive.

Living bones are "pliable and vascular" containing many blood vessels and nerves" and are "constantly changing or remodeling". 99 % of  our calcium intake "is stored in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is in the blood and soft tissues."

IMPORTANT! Our muscles need this 1% to contract properly. Our nerves (including the brain) need this 1% to function as well. This 1% will be maintained even if it means using the calcium in our bones.

Calcium Bank
  Deposit often!!!!

It is extremely important for children to get enough calcium, however, it isn't just getting the necessary calcium it is also important to NOT consume foods that literally cause our bodies to withdraw from our Calcium Bank. Soda is a leading culprit. 

 I have seen mothers pour soda into baby bottles for their baby. Sodas deplete nutrients. They are filled with sugar (often corn sweeteners which are especially evil), dyes,  and artificial flavors. Phosphoric acid is showing up in research as a bone sucking calcium depleting enemy of your body. 

PH balanced body is hard to come by here in America. We eat a lot of acidic foods. animal protein (also found in dairy foods), refined foods like white flour and sugar. Learning to eat more alkaline foods will bring balance back to your body.

Crucial to Osteoporosis prevention facts to remember:
  • Keeping making deposits into your Calcium Bank
  • Learn how to become pH balanced. In on balancing your glands too.
  • Avoid the obvious....sodas and drink more water
  • Be aware of false advertising. Not all calcium supplements are the same. Many antacids, for instance, use calcium carbonate as their source of calcium. It is an inferior source. 
  • Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D.
        Advertiser will encourage a bad behavior so they can then tell you that their product will fix it. We need to take responsibility for the health of our bodies. 

  There are many calcium rich foods out there....

Okay that is a lot to think about. Please leave a comment or a question and enjoy all the foods that are out there that you could eat and love.

Eating to live.
Give your children healthy options and they'll choose life.