I avoid over-the-counter drugs and prescriptive medicines because I have never felt comfortable taking them. Though I have suffered through a bad car accident and through other emotionally traumatizing experiences I have taken prescribed medicines sparingly or refused them all together.
After some really difficult things happened to me in the late 70's, I found I had an increase in symptoms that left me, well, basically sick. I started looking for answers including a visit to the doctor. By the time I made an appointment I had a good idea that I had a severe problem with yeast and hypoglycemia. The doctor dismissed anything I told him and said I needed to be on anti-depressants. I refused. So I headed to the health food store and looked at books. I found a book, read it, started the diet it recommended and my symptoms melted away.
This experience and many that followed lead me to believe a few fundamental things about health:
- Health begins with eating and drinking healthy foods
It is a fact, we are what we eat. We are affected by what we use on our skin as well. The soil and seeds. The water and fertilizers. Even the weather affects our foods. Lack of nutrients in the soil or lack of water; hurt our foods. Pesticides and GMO's affect our food. Always look for safe and reliable food and skin care sources.
- Beware of 'degree thumping' doctors
Many doctors know next to nothing about nutrition, don't believe in alternative medicines and practices, and feel you should believe what they say because they have a degree in medicine. Don't get my wrong there is a time and a place for doctors and there are many good doctors to be found. I have the best pediatrician I have ever had in my 31 years as a mom of nine. There have been many doctors in my families lives and a few times they have seen us through difficult and life threatening illnesses.
- Educate yourself on any subject you need information on before you make decisions; especially addressing fears.
In other words, do the research. Read and study. Any decision you make should be researched by you and/or someone you trust. This is taking control of your health. You need to listen to your body, and believe me, it's talking to you.
- Herbs and wholefoods are life saving and giving....they are pretty much phenomenal
When pregnant with one my kids I was bit by a spider. At least it was the only explanation we could give to what happened to me. Coming back from getting the mail my foot was really hurting. On closer inspection I had 3 red marks. The first on top of my right foot, it was the biggest and swelling rapidly. The other two on my left foot. They were swelling but not as bad. Within an hour the toes on my right foot were almost completely swollen together and my ankle had disappeared because the swelling was up to my calf.
I called my midwife and started a poultice. The pain was horrendous. We noticed an improvement in a few hours. Within days I was back to normal shoes and I never saw a doctor. (Disclaimer: Each of us have to decide to how to care for ourselves and our families; this was my choice.)
Finally, no research, no product, will ever change your health if you don't commit to the self-discipline required to make a real difference. I know it is easier said than done. Having real support is amazing. With Purium it is available. Education and even the ability to be on an encouragement calls and to receive text message while you are doing the 10-day Transformation, for instance. They don't stop there. A continuation program is available. If you need advice from someone there is free naturopathic advice.